★ Thought for the Day – Interruption or Opportunity? ★

I was reading ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:46-52‬ ‭(NLT) this morning in a Bible Study with a couple buddies which recalls the story of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus:

“Then they reached Jericho, and as Jesus and his disciples left town, a large crowd followed him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 

“Be quiet!” many of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 

When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, “Tell him to come here.” So they called the blind man. “Cheer up,” they said. “Come on, he’s calling you!” 

Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. 

“My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!” 

And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.”

Persistence got Bartimaeaus an audience with Jesus.  Faith opened the door for healing. But the jewel in the passage that I think we must be careful not to miss is that we should not be so focus on the goal that we miss the purpose.  In verse 48, it says:

“Be quiet!” many of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 

The people saw Bartimaeus as an obstacle to the goal of getting to Jerusalem (see verse 32) but Jesus always was ready to change the itinerary or plan.  This is something that I am learning in my life, that we must see “interruptions” as “opportunities” to truly be used by God.

It comes down to whether or not we will “live on mission” about sharing our faith with those around us.  To be willing to alter “our plans” and accept the “new mission” or plan that may not necessary be what we are comfortable with or even desire to do.  I love how Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said it:

“We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.  God will be constantly crossing our paths and canceling our plans by sending us people with claims and petitions.”

How about you?  When unexpected things pop up, do you view it as an interruption or an opportunity?  Jesus shows us that the latter should be our modus operandi!

If you want to dig in deeper about service to others and being mission minded, check out:

★ Thought for the Day – What’s Your Story? ★

★ Thought for the Day – What’s Your Story? – ¡Parte Dos! ★

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